Perancangan Media Promosi Dilon Coffee & Eatery Dengan Teknik Hand Lettering Sebagai Upaya Mengenalkan Kepada Masyarakat

M Alfiyan Helmi, Hardman Budiardjo, Abdullah Khoir Riqqoh


The purpose of designing a media campaign Dilon coffee & eatery This is to introduce to the public. The research was conducted using qualitative research method is to conduct interviews, observation, documentation, and literature to get the data used to support the drafting of a media campaign design. Data were analyzed using multiple stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. From the data analysis found some keywords that refer to promotional media communication strategy that will be used to achieve the target audiance ditujuh. After analysis of the data, ditemukanlah concept or keyword designing a media campaign called "casual". Description casual concept is the simplicity that can be used by anyone. The concept of "casual" aims to show that the Dilon coffee & eatery is a café that has an appeal that is different from the others. The concept aims to convey casual café identity through the design of promotional media.



Keyword: Promotion Media, Dilon Coffee & Eatery, Coffee Shop.

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Publisher : Universitas Dinamika 
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