Mohammad Haris Khoirudin


This study aims to determine the content design of an Androidbased mobile smartphone application that is attractive and makes it easier for consumers and prospective consumers to place orders with the company. In addition, it has a good impact on the marketing of CV companies. Ries Project Production so as to increase sales for the company CV. Ries Project Production. The data analysis technique used is SPSS analysis through the QFD (Quality Function Deployment) method. The technique of collecting data is by observing, surveying through questionnaires distributed to respondents by random sampling. The population in thisistudy were all people of Tulungagung district who had ordered clothes or uniforms for CV. Ries Project Production, so that the sample determined in this study is part of the people of Tulungagung district who have ordered clothes or uniforms and those who have never but just asked. This research is classified as qualitative research. The number of samples in this study were 52 people. This study provides findings that the smartphone content design variable is proven to have an impact on service quality to consumer needs, so that it can affect consumer satisfaction variables. so that it has a significant and positive effect on increasing sales of CV. Ries Project Production.


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