Muhammad Abdul Aziz, Dhika Yuan Yurisma, Siswo Martono


Sumber Maron Tourism is a tour located in Karangsuko village, Pagelaran District, Malang Regency. Sumber Maron Tourism is a tour that presents the beauty of nature in the form of waterfalls and clear water springs surrounded by green protected forests and rice fields. In addition to its natural beauty, in Sumber Maron Tourism there are also tourist attractions in the form of fliying fox and river tubing. There are also educational tours in the form of Micro Hydro Power Plants (PLMTH). Visitors to Sumber Maron Tourism can reach 400 visitors on a normal day, 1000 visitors on Saturday and 4,000 visitors on Sunday. Although it is quite crowded, Sumber Maron Tourism does not yet have a visual identity that can show the characteristics and images of Sumber Maron Tourism itself. Can be known by yourself, Malang Regency is one of the regencies that has a lot of tourist destinations. Therefore, visual identity is one of the important things that must be owned by a brand that is used as a differentiator from other brands. Visual identity can also help to make the brand better known and growing in the community. Therefore, a study was made on the Design of the Visual Identity Design of Maron Tourism as an Effort to Increase Brand Awareness. The concept that will be used in this design is to use exotic keywords. This research will focus on designing visual identity including the logo and graphic standard manual as an explanation and guide for applying the logo. As well as designing supporting media in the form of brochures, x banners, sign systems in the form of way finding, and merchandise in the form of t-shirts, hats, and key chains.

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Publisher : Universitas Dinamika 
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