Perancangan Buku Karakteristik Autisme dengan Teknik Digital Painting Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Empati Peserta Didik

Abimanyu Surya Nagara, Hardman Budiarjo, Florens Debora Patricia


The purpose of this design is to produce an illustrated book design of autism characteristics with digital painting techniques to increase empathy in learners. The design is done by interview approach, documentation, existing study and observation using descriptive-qualitative method with indicators: STP, excellence, limitations, opportunities, challenges and USP. From the analysis results obtained concepts that fit with the subject studied ie Autism. The concept is related to the keyword "Behavior" or behavior. This concept seeks to expose the behavior of children with autism to the environment and environmental behavior to children with autism. In addition, it aims to build public knowledge about the characteristics of children with autism, with public understanding of the characteristics of children with autism can lead to adjustment and will affect the increase empathy.

Keywords: Autism, Behaviour, Illustration


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Publisher : Universitas Dinamika 
Raya Kedung Baruk 98
Surabaya 60298
T 031 - 8721731
F 031 - 8710218