Perancangan Logo dan Media Promosi Pulau Mengare Gresik Berbasis Edukasi Sebagai Upaya Mengenalkan Wisata Sejarah

Dinda Cholifah Putri, Muhammad Bahruddin, Abdullah Khoiriqqoh


The purpose of designing this Mengare Island media campaign is to introduce and preserve the historical heritage Mengare . The study was conducted using qualitative research is to conduct interviews , observation , documentation , and literature to obtain data to support the drafting . Data were analyzed using multiple stages of data reduction , data presentation and conclusion. From these results we found the concept of " Enjoy Life With Adventure " which is a pleasant journey . In this case how to preserve historical heritage by making sites that are promoted with the right strategy to the target audience . The design of the work refers to the principles of design and how to create a media campaign in accordance with the design consistency . The results of the design is expected to add excursions .


Keywords: Design , Media Campaign , Mengare Island , History , Culture

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Publisher : Universitas Dinamika 
Raya Kedung Baruk 98
Surabaya 60298
T 031 - 8721731
F 031 - 8710218