Sendi Kurniawan, Achmad Yanu Alif Fianto


The economy is struggling due to a dearth of new, creative companies with global aspirations. Some unsuccessful business owners may be unsuccessful because of their cultural upbringing. Different regions have different cultural, personal, and institutional factors that affect their entrepreneurial environment, which is what this essay aims to uncover. It is crucial for the success of this study to comprehend not only the socioeconomic setting in which the tendency to start firms originates, but also the individual differences that may play a role. The strong culture of entrepreneurship seen in startup hubs is a result of a number of factors, including entrepreneur-friendly institutions and many networking opportunities for local business owners. This research examines whether aspects of different locations are conducive to the launch of new businesses, drawing on a broad variety of literature from the fields of entrepreneurship and regional studies. Considering these findings, we provide a succinct examination of the similarities and differences amongst the various startup ecosystems. The results are presented with a focus on how they shed light on the dynamic between culture and personality, and how this insight may be used to the betterment of an entrepreneurial ecosystem.


Entrepreneurship; Strategic Planning; Creative Economy; Cultural Ecosystem


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