Dwi Widiya Sari, Achmad Yanu Alif Fianto


Business owners are often accused of taking on impossible tasks. In order to increase business owners' levels of job satisfaction, it is important to learn about their unique needs in the workplace and the tools available to them. Finding out what factors have a major impact on entrepreneurs' levels of work satisfaction was the main focus of this study. Evaluation of the content's research quality was the second aim. Success in the workplace may be affected by a variety of personal, professional, social, leadership, organizational, and societal factors for entrepreneurs. Most of the research looked at cross-sectional studies that relied on convenience samples to assess employees' levels of happiness on the job. Randomized intervention studies, prospective cohorts with large populations, and validated assessments are all necessary for future study. The results were weighed against standard models and previous outputs. By analyzing the time and materials used, effective health care solutions may be created.


Job Satisfaction; Business Performance; Workplace Conflicts


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