Much. Rahmad Hidayat, Achmad Yanu Alif Fianto


This study explores current developments in the study of immigrant entrepreneurs and business strategies using a comprehensive literature assessment of the Web of Science and Scopus databases. The objective is to identify and define the strategic challenges addressed by academic research on immigrant entrepreneurship, as well as the tactics used by immigrant entrepreneurs to launch, maintain, and grow their businesses. According to the research, the selected papers fall into seven categories: The processes of opportunity recognition and business creation, as well as adaptation and survival strategies, ethnicity influences on immigrant entrepreneur strategies, multicultural and breaking out strategies, internationalization strategies and transnational business, differences between immigrant and non-immigrant entrepreneurs, government and support organization policies, and other topics, are discussed. Immigrant entrepreneurs get a competitive edge by initially reaping advantages inside their own communities (ethnic enclave approach), then entering the mainstream market within their host nation, and finally expanding worldwide via transnational business relationships (internationalisation strategies).


Entrepreneur Strategy; Business Strategi; Internationalization Strategy


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