Tutut Supriyani Rumkholikpah, Achmad Yanu Alif Fianto


Cognitive perspectives are increasingly being prioritized in the academic research of watchful entrepreneurship. The greater psychological foundation of alertness, which differentiates between intrinsic and phasic components of alertness, has been largely disregarded by academics in the area of entrepreneurship. Scholars in the area of entrepreneurship have, for the most part, ignored the difference between intrinsic and phasic components of alertness, despite the fact that this ability is often cited as the entrepreneurs' central cognitive skill for detecting fresh chances. This review of the literature examines previous research on the value of corporate vigilance. Concept of alertness, its cognitive foundations, operational measurement, theoretical forerunners, and repercussions are the five main sections into which the current literature is divided. Two additional inquiries follow. Most of the prior work on the theoretical underpinnings of vigilance has focused on the phasic components of heightened awareness while overlooking the importance of intrinsic vigilance. Independent opportunity creation/discovery theory has arisen very recently, and only recently has it begun to study the idea of natural attention in opportunity spotting. Second, efforts to objectively investigate the significance of consciousness in various theoretical frameworks have trailed behind the development of reliable and rigorous measurement tools.


Entrepreneurship; Cognitive Factors; Business Performance


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