Saipullah Saipullah, Adrian Fernando Tewenusa, Achmad Yanu Alif Fianto


The primary purpose of this research was to illustrate the process of creating an algorithm that infers consumer personality traits from contextual data, and the secondary purpose was to examine the factors that influence the connection between personality traits and the persuasiveness of advertising. Two separate but supplementary investigations comprise a mixed-methods strategy. The first is a statistical study of 325 consumers from different retail banks. To further explore Study 1's results, Study 2 takes a qualitative approach. The results of this study suggest that, for the vast majority of consumers, advertising effectiveness may be improved by using language that is well-suited to their personalities. Reducing perceived risks before purchase and offering evidence of social approval and goal accomplishment are two crucial ad success criteria for customers with neurotic personality characteristics. The shopping habits of extroverted customers were also positively impacted by these characteristics. The purpose of this study is to better understand how the most prominent personality attribute influences consumer behavior. The vast majority of individuals have more than two of the Big Five characteristics. This research highlights the potential for influencing customer behavior by matching machine-inferred personality to congruent persuasive advertising, thanks to developments in natural language processing that make the detection of personality from language possible. It's one of the few studies that doesn't rely on social media data to assess character but instead uses context. This information is crucial for identifying a real person rather than a fraudulent one. The research also highlights the elements that may weaken this association, which helps to clarify why certain personality types display purchasing behavior that runs counter to what is predicted by the present hypothesis. This study extends previous research by identifying the factors that may moderate this relationship and thus provides an explanation for why some personality traits may exhibit different purchasing behavior than those that are congruent with the personality type, even though this concept has been successfully applied and documented by advertising practitioners and scholars.


Advertising Management; Artificial Intelligence; Buying Persona


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