Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pemesanan Makanan Online Pada Restoran Cepat Saji Berbasis Mobile Application (Studi Kasus Chicken Mania Cabang Rungkut)

Muammar Qadhafi, Anjik Sukmaaji, Rangsang Purnama


Food ordering usingthe telephoneis a common wayadopted bymost of therestaurantto handle thedelivery order. Based on theresults of a surveyconducted bythe authoron9-15 September2011 with20 respondents, foundthe factthat inordering foodby phone, customersoften face constraintsincludea time-consumingordering process,the cost ofa phone conversation increasinglyalongthe length oftime on the phone,anddifficulty responding tothe other person'sintentionsbecause ofsignalinterruptionof communicationserviceprovidersor manner of speechthat are lessunderstood. One solution tosolvethese constraintsismake the onlinefood orderingapplication basedon mobile applicationthatis aimed for customer atchickenmania fast-food restaurant. Throughtheseapplications, customerscan easily viewa list ofthe latestfood menu offeredby therestaurants andmakeonlinefood ordering.

Keyword: Ordering Food, Restaurant, Mobile Application, J2ME.

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