Audit Sistem Informasi Manajemen Aset Berdasarkan Perspektif Proses Bisnis Internal Balanced Scorecard Dan Standar COBIT 4.1 (Studi Kasus: PT. Pertamina (Persero)
InformationTechnologyMarketing&Trading(ITM&T)3rd regionalareaof PT. Pertamina(Persero)handlingmultipleprocessesthat one of themis theasset management. Activitiesof theprocessincludesanalysis ofhardware requirementsofeachbusiness unitasEast Java,BaliandWest Nusa,anddohireandpurchases,untilthe distribution of hardware to each business unit. In managing the process, used in some application such as SAP and the other application which development by them, such as asset management application, helpdesk, and application of OpManager, which was mainly the implementation of asset management application have not been audited to ensure IT alignment with business goal.
Tomeasure thealignmentbetweenbusiness processes,applications,andthe company's businessstrategyis necessary todoan auditinformation systemwith standardCOBIT4.1. Becausethecalculation ofCOBIT can representthe maturity levelof a company. While theassetmanagement processinPT.Pertamina(Persero)isbased oncompany policywith the intention of improving the quality of existing processes,theauditfocusedoninternalbusinessprocess perspectiveof BalancedScorecard.
The resultofthisauditdeclaredthat theassetmanagementprocessmaturity levelis at itsmanagedandmeasuredto indicatethat theorganizationhashadperformance indicators, monitor and improve processes and have auxiliary devices for process control.
Keywords: asset management,COBIT,maturity level,the BalancedScorecard.
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