Dimas Aditya Syahputra, Harianto Harianto, Pauladie Susanto


Fish cultivation is one of the efforts to support the economy in the midst of the difficulty of employment and increasing demands. Feed has a very important role in the growth and breeding of fish farming. The development of digital technology provides solutions in a better automated system.

In the design of this next tool, an automatic fish feeding device will be made in fish ponds that can spread the fish feed evenly on the pond and can adjust the amount of feeding you want, and arrange fish feeding scheduling automatically. So the farmers do not need to come to the pond for feeding the fish. In the design of this tool, using Arduino Mega 2560 as a data processor and RTC (Real Time Clock) as a comparison schedule that has been inputted by the user. In this tool, use the Rotary sensor to determine the amount of feed in the output.

Based on the test that has been done scheduling test from Automated Fish Feeder Tool by doing scheduling as much as 30 times, there is no data not accurate on feed scheduling data. The percentage of data accuracy is 100%. At the time of the burning test of the Automated Fish Feeder by carrying out the combustion 30 times, there is an accurate data of 10. The percentage of data accuracy is 33%. At the time of the launching test of the Automated Fish Feeding Equipment by carrying out the combustion 30 times, there are 15 accurate data. The percentage of data accuracy is 55%.

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