Ekki Shafrida, Achmad Yanu Alif Fianto


The tourism sector has the potential to become the center of economic development in East Java. The contribution of the tourism sector to the total regional domestic production in East Java in 2017, provided RP with the accumulation of business areas that financed housing and food, transportation and storage, information and communication. 185,234 million with an annual average growth of 13%. One of the problems in the East Java tourism industry is related to access and supporting infrastructure. Although Juanda Airport and Tanjung Perak Port are entry points for tourists, the tourist destinations are located in districts / cities, so they are equipped with basic facilities such as hotels, restaurants, conference halls, promotions and others. The purpose of this study was to analyze the strategy of developing tourist destinations in Jember Regency, East Java. The analytical method used is SWOT analysis and Quantitative Strategy matrix. Strategies that can be carried out include fostering community groups with legal positions (POKDARWIS), self-financing programs and the use of CSR to intensify competition for tourism products. Integrated tourism with other areas. The recommendation of this study is the establishment of a community-based tourism institution (Pokardawis).


Community-Based Tourism; Strategy Development

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