Felix Putra Mahendra, Achmad Yanu Alif Fianto


Previously family-run business now draws inspiration from its founder's upbringing, as detailed in this article. Careful archival research and in-depth, semi-structured interviews form the basis of this case study. We demonstrate that a founder's past may continue to have an impact on a company's most crucial activities even after the founder has left by emphasizing the profound, enduring, and distinctive qualities that a founder bestows onto a business. In order to establish the legitimacy of the new leadership and guarantee that the company's objective remains the same, it is customary to reference the founder's family history regardless of who now owns the business. When a company's ownership changes, however, it may adopt the centrifugal techniques that will help it maintain its entrepreneurial spirit while avoiding the centripetal ones that will only serve to undermine it.


Family Business; Systematic Review; Entrepreneurship


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