Armindya Ladyka, Achmad Yanu Alif Fianto


There is no commonly acknowledged definition of entrepreneurship, which benefits and hampers the industry. With so many entrepreneurial concepts and perspectives now accessible, there is a growing demand for one that can explain everything. However, given the diversity of entrepreneurial perspectives, this may be challenging or result in additional challenges. Instead, an integrated approach to entrepreneurship is encouraged. This comprehensive model encourages participation from all stakeholders, including those with conflicting perspectives on entrepreneurship, without necessitating integration or the associated sacrifices. To achieve this goal, a detailed review and synthesis of the entrepreneurial literature was conducted, taking into consideration both current outcomes and long-standing theoretical frameworks. The researchers provided a complete method by combining and expanding on current models. This may allow for cross-disciplinary entrepreneurship study without harming the subject's integrity, leading to new insights and opportunities. This debate of a novel approach showed knowledge gaps in the sector. By investigating various areas of research, we may get a more complete understanding of innovation, entrepreneurial teams, and entrepreneurial leadership, which may advance the study of entrepreneurship as a whole.


Entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurship Intention; Entrepreneurship Theoretical Framework


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