Achmad Alfredo Armanto, Achmad Yanu Alif Fianto


Examining the impact of nontraditional methods on medium and small enterprises (SMEs). Our analysis of the poultry SME network and related SME characteristics is based on data from two surveys carried out in 2019 and 2020 We narrowed it down to the publications and distribution channels that would be most beneficial to SMEs. From what we've seen, SMEs do best when they have easy access to both new markets and technological resources. Furthermore, we analyzed the effects of resource shifts differently depending on the type of resource being diffused, and we found that while changes in market resources had a positive impact, changes in technology resources had a negative impact, but that neither of these effects was statistically significant. After reviewing the literature on the subject, we determined that both direct and indirect tie mechanisms helped survival, with the former having a more pronounced impact.


Technological Resources; New Market; Small Medium Entreprises


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